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Passing svg to an angular component as a prop

I am trying to create a dynamic toolbox component, and I want to have the svg for the image to be drawn on each tile of the toolbox to be drawn from this svg string I pass to the toolbox tile compomnent.

<tile myprop='<rect width="20" height="20" y="7" x="7" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" fill="none" />' />

My tile component template could look something like this


This won't work I know because of sanitizers, but I am relatively new to Angular and could not see a way to access the @Input prop in the component contstructor to use the sanitizer to trust the content.

What is the best way of rendering dynamic content from a string, safely, in an angular component such that I can keep the svg logic outside of the component templates and load it at runtime from perhaps a JSON file?


  • DomSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml return a "SafeHtml"

    So you need binding to [innerHTML]

    //your title component.html
      <svg [innerHTML]="myprop">

    In the input use a "setter"

    export class AppTile {
      myprop!: SafeHtml; //you can use also "any"
      @Input('myprop') set _(value: string) {
        this.myprop = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(value);
      constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}

    a stackblitz (NOTE I use stroke="red", because "#FFF" is white)