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Can Jena RdfDataMgr write turtle with typed literals

Is there a way to get Jena's RdfDataMgr write() to maintain types of literals.

Here's my code which inserts a triple with a typed literal, and them dumps the TURTLE:

String insertQuery = "prefix XMLSchema:<> " +
            "INSERT DATA " + 
            "  { GRAPH <http://name>   { " + 
            "        <#book1> <#name> \"Name\"^^XMLSchema:string  " + 
            "      }  } ";

    org.apache.jena.query.Dataset ds = DatasetFactory.createTxnMem();
    try {
        UpdateAction.parseExecute(insertQuery, ds);
    } finally { ds.commit(); ds.end() ; }

    ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    RDFDataMgr.write(stream, ds.getNamedModel("http://name"), RDFFormat.TURTLE_PRETTY);
    String str = stream.toString();

This prints:

            "Name" .

But I'm looking for Turtle with the type of "Name" preserved. Something like:

            "Name"^^<> .

Is there a different RDFFormat, or a setting in RDFDataMgr, or am I missing a more fundamental concept?


  • In RDF 1.1 "abc" is exactly the same RDF literal as "abc"^^xsd:string. They are two ways of writing the same RDFTerm. The without-^^ form is preferred, as mentioned in the RDF 1.1 spec. This is true in SPARQL as well - the ^^XMLSchema:string is unnecessary.