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ion-textarea resize height dynamically in Ionic 5

I am migrating my project from Ionc3 to Ionic5. I have an ion-textarea which increases the height as user types and it works in Ionic3. Following is the code.

HTML page:

<ion-textarea #hvUserPost type="text" (input)="adjustDesc()"></ion-textarea>

TS page:

@ViewChild('hvUserPost') hvUserPost: ElementRef;
adjustDesc() {
    let textArea;
    textArea = this.hvUserPost['_elementRef'].nativeElement.getElementsByClassName("text-input")[0]; = 'hidden'; = 'auto';
    var scrollHeight = textArea.scrollHeight; = scrollHeight + 'px';

Now in Ionic4 the only thing changes is in the following declaration

@ViewChild('hvUserPost', {static: false}) hvUserPost: ElementRef;

In Ionic4, I am getting the following error.

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined

So this.hvUserPost['_elementRef'] is undefined and this.hvUserPost.nativeElement is also undefined.


  • Just add autoGrow="true" atteibute and it will be done.

    <ion-textarea #hvUserPost type="text"autoGrow="true" (input)="adjustDesc()"></ion-textarea>