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Is ExpressionEngine he right solution for user genererated content that's editable?

I'm currently building a job-board website with CodeIgniter 2.0 that is very user content driven. Most content will be created by users who are logged in and create paid job postings that can be edited after being published as well as deleted and set to private. There also needs to be an admin interface that lets the admin go in and edit,update,delete content as well as users.

Does this sound like something that EE can easily handle? I've heard that EE has some short comings when it comes to letting users edit content. Is there any examples and/or documentation that shows how this is done?



  • ExpressionEngine is a great tool as a CMS (Content Management System) and even has built-in member management.

    However, ExpressionEngine assumes that the majority of content it handles will be created and managed by users logging in to a Control Panel — this is like many other database-driven Web Sites. Furthermore, ExpressionEngine has a specific data model which may be less than ideal for your needs.

    Note: These limitations can be somewhat overcome by using ExpressionEngine's SAEF (Stand Alone Entry Form) dubbed SafeCracker that allows content to be submitted by users outside of the EE Control Panel. The SolSpace User Module can also be setup to extend displaying and allowing user-submitted content.

    Whereas with CodeIgniter, you're building a custom Web App so you have the freedom to make all of those decisions during development. You're also not locked into a certain feature set and are free to create any functionality you require or desire.