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C++ Using Raw pointer to std::shared_ptr

So I'm trying to pass a shared pointer between threads via a messaging mechanism that I'm using. Due to how the serialization/deserialization works, I cannot directly embed a shared_ptr into a message that I send. So I effectively need to send a raw pointer of a shared_ptr. See below:

Thread 1:

auto objPtr = std::make_shared<ObjectClass>();
uint64_t serializedPtr = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(&objPtr);

Thread 2:

std::shared_ptr<ObjectClass> objPtrT2 = *(reinterpret_cast<std::shared_ptr<ObjectClass>*>(serializedPtr));

This sometimes crashes in thread 2 when it goes to increment the reference count of the shared pointer. I can only assume some race condition is at play here but haven't been able to sort out a solution. Note that it doesn't always crash and the deserialization is seemingly always successful.

Do I need to synchronize access to this shared_ptr (the shared_ptr itself, not what the share_ptr points to)? I'm concerned that the manner in which I am transferring this shared_ptr is breaking how the reference count is being managed.

I'm still debating whether the use of a shared_ptr is appropriate here for other performance related reasons but I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong for my own benefit.


EDIT: Just to note, thread 1 and thread 2 are in the same process/host. I am emplacing the shared_ptr into a map managed by thread1 (I tried to leave out details that I initially thought to be unimportant). What I didn't realize, however, was that the manner in which I retrieve from said map was incorrect. I was copying the contents of the map into a temp shared_ptr and then sending the address of the temp shared_ptr to thread2. So I was unwittingly sending over the address of a variable on the stack. Silly mistake, but I think the commentary in this thread has been quite instructive/helpful nonetheless. The following seems to fix my issue.

auto& objPtr = m_objMap[index];
uint64_t serializedPtr = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(&objPtr);


  • shared_ptr automatically increases and decreases its internally-stored reference count when you copy it (using the assignment operator=), and - importantly - when a shared_ptr is destroyed (by going out of scope). Your approach for transmitting a pointer-to-shared-pointer is fundamentally flawed in the code above, because you are transmitting the address of a temporary shared pointer, but not the ownership or lifespan. The shared_ptr - which is still owned by Thread A - might go out of scope and be destroyed before Thread B can use it.

    In order to transfer ownership of a shared_ptr instance, I would suggest creating a heap-allocated/dynamic shared_ptr for transfer. This can be accomplished using new or (even better) make_unique. Using a unique_ptr (i.e.: unique_ptr<shared_ptr<ObjectClass>>), you would use the 'release' method, before passing the pointer across the thread barrier in your message.

    Thread A:

    auto sharedPtr = std::make_shared<ObjectClass>();
    // This line creates a heap-allocated copy of a 
    // shared_ptr (incrementing reference count)
    // And places ownership inside a unique_ptr
    auto sharedPtrDynamicCopy = std::make_unique<decltype(sharedPtr)>(sharedPtr);
    // This 'releases' ownership of the heap-allocated shared_ptr,
    // returning a raw pointer; it is now a potential
    // memory leak!!!  It must be 'captured' in Thread B.
    auto rawPtrToPass = sharedPtrDynamicCopy.release();

    Thread B:

    // Here, we immediately 'capture' the raw pointer back
    // inside a unique_ptr, closing the loop on the potential
    // memory leak
    auto sharedPtrDynamicCopy = unique_ptr<shared_ptr<ObjectClass>>(rawPtrFromThreadA);
    // Now we can make a copy of the shared_ptr, if we like.
    // This sharedCopy will live on, even after recvdPtr goes
    // out of scope.
    auto sharedCopy = *sharedPtrDynamicCopy;

    You could perhaps shorten this further by simply 'new'-ing a raw shared_ptr instead of capturing it inside a unique_ptr<shared_ptr<T>>, but I personally prefer this approach since it has clear "capture" and "release" semantics for the pointer-in-flight.