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how do I query sql for a latest record date but if the record has a message return that reocrd

Table Example

From this example table I need row 2 and 3.


  • I understand that you want the latest non-empty message per compID, or the latest message if all messages are empty.

    If so, you can use window functions:

    select id, compID, date, message
    from (
            row_number() over(
                partition by compID 
                order by case when message is not null then 0 else 1 end, date desc
            ) rn
        from mytable t
    ) t
    where rn = 1
    order by id

    Demo on DB Fiddle:

    id | compID | date       | message    
    -: | :----- | :--------- | :----------
     2 | B      | 2020-03-27 | null       
     3 | A      | 2020-03-22 | Hello World