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Is it possible for a flutter application to use RethinkDB?

I'm planning to build an app that uses a NoSQL database and RethinkDB sounds good, but there's not enough info about how to connect a flutter app to RethinkDB, since many resources and videos favor firebase.

So if it's possible to build a database for my flutter app using RethinkDB, how can I go about doing that?


  • Yes, it is possible to use RethinkDB with a flutter application.

    There is a rethinkdb_dart package on

    There you can also find a example on how to use the package:

    To include this driver in your own project add the package to your pubspec.yaml file:

    rethinkdb_dart: '^2.3.2+6'

    Then import the package into your project:

    import 'package:rethinkdb_dart/rethinkdb_dart.dart';

    Connect to the database:

    var connection = await r.connect(db: "test", host: "localhost", port: 28015);

    Create a table:

    await r.db('test').tableCreate('tv_shows').run(connection);

    Insert some data:

    await r.table('tv_shows').insert([
      {'name': 'Star Trek TNG', 'episodes': 178},
      {'name': 'Battlestar Galactica', 'episodes': 75}

    And work with the data:

    var count = await r.table('tv_shows').count();
    print("count: $count");

    Be aware that you will have to set up the database by yourself. How to do so is explained in the RethinkDB docs.