The goal is to create a (macro?) that would print a unique identifier per class instance (for example, the this
pointer) when it is placed in a class function, and nothing (or something else) when used in a 'normal' function.
Preferably without adding anything to the class, but if that is the only way to do it, I'll take it.
Here is my attempt, however it does not like the use of this
at all (replacing it with (void)1
makes it work, but I want a unique identifier per class instance.
On gcc this errors out like: error: invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function
, and msvc has similar errors: error C2355: 'this': can only be referenced inside non-static member functions or non-static data member initializers
non-working code:
#include <iostream>
class _detect_class_ {};
typedef int _class_sentinel_;
#define THIS_PTR std::is_same<_detect_class_, _class_sentinel_>::value ? (void*)this : nullptr
#define TRACK_THIS_OBJECT typedef _detect_class_ _class_sentinel_;
struct thisptr
void* Ptr;
thisptr(void* ptr): Ptr(ptr){;}
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& strm, const thisptr& p)
if (p.Ptr)
strm << "Object:" << p.Ptr;
strm << "No object";
return strm;
#define PRINT_ME std::cout << thisptr(THIS_PTR) << std::endl;
struct TestStruct
void Function1()
int main()
TestStruct o1, o2;
PRINT_ME; // No object
o1.Function1(); // Object: (identifier1)
o2.Function1(); // Object: (identifier2)
return 0;
Maybe this is too simple for advanced C++
// this is in header pretty_print.h
#include <iostream>
inline void pretty_print() {}
#define PRINTABLE \
void pretty_print() { std::cout << this << std::endl; }
#define PRINT_ME pretty_print()
// end of header
// #include "pretty_print.h"
void moo() { PRINT_ME; }
struct Foo {
void foo() { PRINT_ME; }
int main() {