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React: Execute function in useEffect Hook to update state. Use the state value to return component A or B

When a user arrives in this component. I want to execute two function in the useEffect hook: - hasError (returns true if there is an error) - hasState (returns true if there is an state)

Based on the state i want to return a specific component. If access is false than If it is true than

The first time the user comes on the page it says that access if false when i refresh the page it is true Why doesn't the state update the first time?

Am I using the wrong lifecycle method?


const ContinueRouteComponent = () => {

    const dispatch = useDispatch();

    // const [access, setAccess] = useState(false);
    // const [error, setError] =  useState(false);

    const query = useQuery();

    //check if user has valid state
    const hasState = (stateId: string) => {
        // No state is given in the uri so no access

        if(stateId === null) {
            return false;

        // You have a state in the uri but doesn't match the localstorage
        return localStorage.getItem(stateId) !== null;

    const hasError = (error: string) => {
        return error !== null;

    const [access, setAccess] = useState(() => hasState(query.get("state")));
    const [error, setError] =  useState(() => hasError(query.get("error")));

    useEffect(() => {

        let errorType = query.get("error");
        let errorDescription = query.get("error_description");

        return <Redirect exact={true} to={{
            pathname: '/error',
            state: {
                error: errorType,
                description: errorDescription
        }} />;

        const retrievedStorage = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(query.get("state")));
        return <Redirect exact to={retrievedStorage} />
    } else {
        return <Redirect to="/"/>

export default ContinueRouteComponent


  • On initial render access state is false

    You set the default state as false, this will be its value on the first render. Then when you trigger the effect setAccess(hasState(someValue)); it sets up access to be true on the next render.

    The change in state triggers a rerender with the new value but does not interrupt the current rendering.

    You might spend more time thinking about yoursetup like, why not initialise the state with values?

    const [access, setAccess] = useState(() => hasState(someValue));
    const [error, setError] =  useState(() => hasError(someValue));