I need to do custom deleter for shared_ptr. I know that this can be done in a similar way:
std::shared_ptr<SDL_Surface>(Surf_return_f(), MyDeleter);
But I would like to make them in the style of my custom deleter for unique_ptr:
struct SDL_Surface_Deleter {
void operator()(SDL_Surface* surface) {
using SDL_Surface_ptr = std::unique_ptr<SDL_Surface, SDL_Surface_Deleter>;
Is there any way to do this?
It seems that you're trying to define a type alias that means "std::shared_ptr
with my deleter type". There's no such thing, because std::shared_ptr
has a type-erased deleter (the deleter is not part of the type).
Instead, you could create a custom version of make_shared
template <class... Args>
std::shared_ptr<SDL_Surface> make_sdl_surface(Args&&... args) {
return std::shared_ptr<SDL_Surface>(new SDL_Surface(std::forward<Args>(args)...),