I'm interested in compiling Thrift-generated code and linking to the thrift C++ library in a windows environment. Doing some research, I found a few recent links:
1) Thrift Win32 Installation Using Cygwin/MinGW
2) THRIFT-1031 and THRIFT-1123 patches to compile in MS Visual C++
Using #1, I was able to compile a linux library using MinGW, named libthrift.a. But what I would REALLY like to do is be able to generate Thrift code, and compile it IN WINDOWS using a Thrift dll or lib.
In other words, I see how I can use MinGW to compile Thrift code that EXECUTES in Windows. But I want to be able to DEVELOP AND COMPILE code that uses Thrift, in Windows. Is this possible?
If not, I suppose #2 is my only option, but it seems to be still highly in development phase.
Any ideas?
There´s a patch available to copile the thrift runtime with visual studio c++. It would be great if the thift developers put this patch in the main code.