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Missing space when using sed

So I'm using lsof in combination with jq to convert to json. The original output example:


When using this with sed as:

sed -e "s/(//" -e "s/)//" | sed 's/.*:\([0-9]\+\).*/"\1",/g'

The output comes out as:


Notice the space is not kept for "1511" not sure what i'm missing, i'm sure something silly, anyone know what i'm missing here?


  • You could use a register, but it's easier to just match less:

    echo '    "",' | sed -e "s/(//" -e "s/)//" -e 's/[0-9\.]*:\([0-9]\+\).*/\1",/g'

    BTW, you don't need 2 sed's - just one with two -e's.