I got the error chisel3.package$RebindingException: Attempted reassignment of binding to Reset(IO in unelaborated TLDebugModule)
when attempting to change the module (TLDebugModule) from a regular Module
to a RawModule
. I'm not sure what this message is saying, can you help understand what it's saying so I can look for what I am doing wrong?
Here's the diff of my RTL:
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val debug_clock = Input(Clock())
val debug_reset = Input(Reset())
+ val tl_clock = IO(Input(Clock()))
+ val tl_reset = IO(Input(Reset()))
val ctrl = new DebugCtrlBundle(nComponents)
val dmi = (!p(ExportDebug).apb).option(Flipped(new ClockedDMIIO()))
val apb_clock = p(ExportDebug).apb.option(Input(Clock()))
@@ -1780,11 +1789,11 @@ class TLDebugModule(beatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
dmOuter.module.rf_reset := r
- dmInner.module.clock := io.debug_clock
- dmInner.module.reset := io.debug_reset
dmInner.module.rf_reset := io.debug_reset
- dmInner.module.io.tlClock := clock
- dmInner.module.io.tlReset := reset
+ dmInner.module.io.debug_clock := io.debug_clock
+ dmInner.module.io.debug_reset := io.debug_reset
+ dmInner.module.io.tl_clock := io.tl_clock
+ dmInner.module.io.tl_reset := io.tl_reset
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Periphery.scala
@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ trait HasPeripheryDebugModuleImp extends LazyModuleImp {
val psd = IO(new PSDIO)
val resetctrl = outer.debugOpt.map { outerdebug =>
+ outerdebug.module.io.tl_reset := reset
+ outerdebug.module.io.tl_clock := clock
val resetctrl = IO(new ResetCtrlIO(outerdebug.dmOuter.dmOuter.intnode.edges.out.size))
outerdebug.module.io.hartIsInReset := resetctrl.hartIsInReset
I think your problem is that you have nested calls to IO
try removing the inner IO