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How to customize monad transformer in scalaz

I'm learning scalaz these days. When I compare scalaz with Haskell, I find that it's hard to customize my own monad transformer.

The code I can do in Haskell like this:

newtype Box a = Box a deriving Show
-- Monad instance of Box, it's simple, I pass it..
newtype BoxT m a = BoxT {runBoxT :: m (Box a)}

instance (Monad m) => Monad (BoxT m) where
    return a = BoxT $ return $ Box a
    x >>= f = BoxT $ do
        (Box v) <- runBoxT x
        runBoxT $ f v

instance (Monad m) => Applicative (BoxT m) where
    pure = return
    (<*>) = ap

instance (Monad m) => Functor (BoxT m) where
    fmap = liftM

How can I do the same thing in scalaz ? I have tried many ways, but it looks like I can not figure out the type of scala's generic, like this:

case class Box[A](value:A)
case class BoxT[M[_],A](run: M[Box[A]])

implicit val monad = Monad[BoxT] { // goes wrong, type `BoxT[M[_],A]` doesn't match F[_]
 ... //don't know how to override functions..


  • Thanks for @Iva Kam's comment about kind projector.

    First of all, enabled kind projector in build.sbt :

    addCompilerPlugin("org.typelevel" %% "kind-projector" % "0.11.0" cross CrossVersion.full)

    Then the code can work like this:

      case class Box[A](value:A)
      case class BoxT[M[_],A](run: M[Box[A]])
      implicit def monad[M[_]](implicit m : Monad[M]): Monad[BoxT[M, ?]] = new Monad[BoxT[M,?]] {
        override def point[A](a: => A): BoxT[M,A] = BoxT(m.point(Box(a)))
        override def bind[A, B](fa: BoxT[M,A])(f: A => BoxT[M,B]): BoxT[M,B] = BoxT(m.bind({ b: Box[A] =>
          val v = b.value
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        val a = Monad[BoxT[Option,?]].point(2)
        val b = for {
          v <- a  //v should be a Int, but idea can't analyze it, maybe I should update, still in 2018.2
        } yield {v * 4}
        val c = a >> b //this line works, but idea can't analyze it :(

    But it looks like when I use BoxT's Monad, I should take ? instead of A of Box's inner type.