How can I make it so the formula on E2 reads values entered in any of the search cells and displays it as results, considering I have a button to clear all search boxes and users are instructed to only search one box at a time and to press the button if multiple boxes are filled?
Here's my editable Spreadsheet
Much appreciated.
=IFNA(QUERY(A2:C4; "where A = '"&B6&"'
or B = '"&B7&"'
or C = '"&B8&"'"; 0))
I'd like results to be shown only if the data users look for are in the same row.
=IFNA(QUERY(A2:C4; "where A = '"&B6&"'
and B = '"&B7&"'
and C = '"&B8&"'"; 0))
=IFNA(QUERY(A2:C4; "where "&TEXTJOIN(" and "; 1;
IF(B6="";;"A = '"&B6&"'");
IF(B7="";;"B = '"&B7&"'");
IF(B8="";;"C = '"&B8&"'"))&""; 0))