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Wheel Collider (rpm)

Hi All if this is the right question in the right place please help me. As I understand motor torque in Wheel Collider is how much force is applied to the wheel but I don't understand why rpm depends on torque. For example, if I have engine rpm 2000 and gear ratio 4 and final drive 3 it will cause the tire to rotate at 2000/4/3 rpm if I have 150 even 2000 nm force from engine. I want to understand Wheel Collider rpm depends on what? If this is not the right question can you redirect me? P.S. I don't want to someone to write code. I just want to understand what is really going on on wheel colliders. I watched documentation in Unity site but there is not enough information about how wheel collider rpm calculated.


  • After many hours of investigation, I find that wheel collider's rpm depends on torque it's mass and (in this case Forward only direction) Forward Friction properties(Extremum slip and etc.).If you have a problem with high rotation or low rotation in rpm property try to change values of these properties and of course understand whats going on. Sorry for bothering you.