As I said in the title, I can't assign my ScriptableObject to a "state" variable.
I created 2 different ScriptableObjects (with 2 different scripts), their names "Starting State" and "Heaaad":
And then I created 2 State variables to assign ScriptableObjects.
I can assign my "Starting State" object to my "Starting State" state, but I can't assign my "Heaad" object to "Head State" state, even though I did the same thing with both objects.
The "Heaaad" ScriptabeObject shows this error in the Inspector:
The "Heaaad" ScriptableObject's C#:
The "starting state" ScriptableObject's C#:
The state variables:
I don't understand what I did wrong.
The name of HeadHolderScoob doesnt match with the filename "HeadHolderSCOOB.cs" Be sure the class is the same name in the file name (the capital letters in this case doesnt match)
Our welcome