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Bootstrap form with one row and two columns: Only one column of form values gets submitted

On form POST, only the first column of form data get submitted. The second column (category and priority) are undefined. If I move the submit button to the second column the exact opposite happens. Then if I rearrange the form to have only one column, all of the form values get submitted(temp work around). How can I implement this form with two columns and have the entire form submitted?

Console log output:

req.body.title: New bug report
req.body.description: New bug report
req.body.priority: undefined
req.body.category: undefined

The form code (.pug):"tabpanel" aria-labelledby="newissue-tab")
      form(method="POST" action="/newissue")
          label(for="newIssueTitle") Title
          input#newIssueTitle.form-control(type="text" placeholder="Issue title ..." name='title' required='true')
          label(for="newIssueDescription") Description
          textarea#newIssueDescription.form-control(rows="10" placeholder="description" name='description' required='true')
          input#filepond(type="file" name="filepond" data-max-files="10" multiple="")
          button.btn.btn-success(type="submit") Create New Issue
          label(for="category") Category
          select#category.form-control(type='select', placeholder='Category ...' name='category' required='true')
            for category in categories
              option(value=category._id) #{}
          label(for="priority") Priority
          select#priority.form-control(type='select', placeholder='Priority ...' name='priority' required='true')
            option(selected="") Priority...
                each pri in priorities_list
                    option(value=pri._id) #{}
                    li No priorites


  • The way the Pug is written, none of your second column is inside the form element. All elements of a form have to be inside of the form element in order to be submitted.

    Try moving the form element to contain the entire .row:"tabpanel" aria-labelledby="newissue-tab")
      form(method="POST" action="/newissue")

              label(for="newIssueTitle") Title
              input#newIssueTitle.form-control(type="text" placeholder="Issue title ..." name='title' required='true')
              label(for="newIssueDescription") Description
              textarea#newIssueDescription.form-control(rows="10" placeholder="description" name='description' required='true')
              input#filepond(type="file" name="filepond" data-max-files="10" multiple="")
              button.btn.btn-success(type="submit") Create New Issue

              label(for="category") Category
              select#category.form-control(type='select', placeholder='Category ...' name='category' required='true')
                for category in categories
                  option(value=category._id) #{}
              label(for="priority") Priority
              select#priority.form-control(type='select', placeholder='Priority ...' name='priority' required='true')
                option(selected="") Priority...
                    each pri in priorities_list
                        option(value=pri._id) #{}
                        li No priorites