i am trying to remove item on click from a list in react js. but i click on delete button it remove the last item from list not the one i clicked. if i check in console.log it show the correct output but not rendering it correctly. i have tried to remove item in many different ways . here is my codesandbox link for poroject https://9o0jw.csb.app/ i don't know what i am doing wrong here is my code snippet
{projects &&
projects.map((project, key) => (
className="d-sm-flex justify-content-between align-items-center mb-2"
<div className="flex-sm-fill">
<div className="project-input-field">
<input type="text" defaultValue={project.title} />
<div className="project-input-field">
<input type="url" defaultValue={project.link} />
<div className="remove-project">
<button onClick={() => removeProject(project.title)}>
Remove Projoect
And here is delete function
const removeProject = title => {
// let newProjects = projects;
// newProjects = newProjects.filter(project => project.title !== title);
// setProjects(newProjects);
setProjects(prevProject => {
return prevProject.filter(pro => pro.title !== title);
I'd look at key={`editProject-${key}`}
- you're using the array index so react thinks that the removed key is the last index when it re-renders. If the project.title
is unique, then use that as the key
However if project.title
is not unique, then look to create a unique id
when a project
is created.