In a folder full of image files I would like to delete any spaces in the file name. Furthermore I want that non-ASCII characters are replaced by a dash -
This needs to be done via a makefile.
Note: The final dot before the suffix/extension of the file has to remain.
"Fig. 3_16mm_300dpi_1to1_obv.tif" --> "Fig-3-16mm-300dpi-1to1-obv.tif"
My approach so far
IMGPATH = "workfiles/inserts/figures"
cd $(IMGPATH) && \
for f in *; \
do \
mv -v "$$f" "$${f//[^a-zA-Z0-9](?=.*?\.)/-}" ; \
The regex command ([^a-zA-Z0-9](?=.*?\.)
) is fine when I test it with but it will not work accordingly with the makefile, since nothing is renamed or replaced.
You said you wanted to change all non-ASCII characters to -
. However based on your attempt, it seems you only want to transform to -
those characters which are not digits or "plain" letters (by plain I mean non accented, non fancy, ...).
for f in *; \
do \
ext="$${f##*.}" ; \
base="$${f%.*}" ; \
newbase="$${base//[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/-}" ; \
echo "$$f" "$${newbase// /}.$$ext" ; \