I am using the c++ code below to delete temporary files from a specific path.
When inside the ~GPG.TMP folder exists some files, it deletes first and finally, it removes the folder itself. In this final step RemoveDirectory(sPathName)
while I don't get any exceptions the folder is not actually deleted but when I am trying to access it (either externally or programmatically) I receive Error No 13 which is "Permission denied". Why does this happen?
void CFileOperation::DoDelete(CString sPathName)
CFileFind ff;
CString sPath = sPathName;
if (CheckPath(sPath) == PATH_IS_FILE)
if (!CanDelete(sPath))
m_bAborted = true;
if (!DeleteFile(sPath)) throw new CFExeption(GetLastError());
sPath += "*.*";
BOOL bRes = ff.FindFile(sPath);
bRes = ff.FindNextFile();
if (ff.IsDots()) continue;
if (ff.IsDirectory())
sPath = ff.GetFilePath();
else DoDelete(ff.GetFilePath());
if (!RemoveDirectory(sPathName) && !m_bAborted) {
throw new CFExeption(GetLastError());
According MSDN:
The RemoveDirectory
function marks a directory for deletion on close. Therefore, the directory is not removed until the last handle to the directory is closed.
And, imho, Error 13 is ERROR_INVALID_DATA