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Symfony2 Can't inherit abstract function Validator\ValidatorInterface::validate() (previously declared abstract in \Validator\ValidatorInterface)

If I use the symfony console command generate:doctrine:crud with --write parameter I get an auto-generated controller working only in the indexAction route, but not in the others (newAction, deleteAction, updateAction). I think the problem is in the form creation. The resulting error is the following one:

Compile Error: Can't inherit abstract function Symfony\Component\Validator\ValidatorInterface::validate() (previously declared abstract in Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface)

Server Error - FatalErrorException500 Internal in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Validator/Validator/RecursiveValidator.php at line 31

I don't know, how to solve this problem.


  • The only way to solve this problem is to change ValidatorInterface or to run almost PHP 5.6