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Pull back specific post codes from table in SQL

I'm having an issue in selecting specific post codes.

These are all valid UK post code formats:

  1. WV11JX
  2. WV1 1JX
  3. WV102QK
  4. WV10 2QK
  5. WV113KQ
  6. WV11 3KQ

Now, say I had a mix of the above formats in the data table; I'm trying to select only post codes that conform to the WV1 prefix (in this example).

In the above 6 item list, I'd want to return:

  • WV11JX
  • WV1 1JX

I would want to exclude:

  • WV102QK
  • WV10 2QK
  • WV113KQ
  • WV11 3KQ

If I execute the following query this will bring back both the WV11's and the WV1's:

SELECT ad.PostCode,*
FROM Staff st
INNER JOIN Address ad on ad.AddressID = st.Address
ad.PostCode like 'WV1%'

Changing the condition in the WHERE to cater for length like this doesn't really work either:

SELECT ad.PostCode,*
FROM Staff st
INNER JOIN Address ad on ad.AddressID = st.Address
ad.PostCode like 'WV1%'
(ad.PostCode like 'WV1%' and LEN(ad.PostCode) = 6)

The above will just filter out any of the formats with a space so if we cater for those by doing the below:

SELECT ad.PostCode,*
FROM Staff st
INNER JOIN Address ad on ad.AddressID = st.Address
(ad.PostCode like 'WV1%' and LEN(ad.PostCode) = 6)
(ad.PostCode like 'WV1 %' and LEN(ad.PostCode) = 7)

That fixes the issue but the problem is that we want to check more than just the 'WV1' prefix in this manner so having a growing list of 'OR' comparisons isn't viable.

How do we isolate the above post codes in a scalable way? I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2016.


  • I think the logic you want is:

    WHERE ad.PostCode like 'WV1 [0-9][A-Z][A-Z]' OR
          ad.PostCode like 'WV1[0-9][A-Z][A-Z]' 

    I'm not sure if numbers are allowed for the last three characters.