I need to look for 7 char long alphanumeric string that should always be in format of NNCCNNN, where N denotes Number, C Denotes Character and X denotes either a number or character.
For Example - For Car ID AB-CC-16TG842-ABA3864, ID should be 16TG842
For Car ID CD-CCIAL_50056956_15AD864, ID should be 15AD864
For Car ID FG-ENNNNN.OOPPLLI_PLOKI-17, ID should be Blank.
I tried using BYTE_LENGTH() and regex_extract() but couldn't get it as expected.
Could anyone help with this tricky one?
Here is a direct solution to your puzzle:
with data as (
SELECT "AB-CC-16TG842-ABA3864" as car UNION ALL
SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(car, r"[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]") as id FROM data
It leverages REGEX_EXTRACT