I am trying to sort post categories alphabetically rather than chronologically in Jekyll. Each attempt I make to do so results in string to integer errors. Any suggestions?
{% for category in site.categories %}
<div class="archive-group">
{% capture category_name %}{{ category | first }}{% endcapture %}
<div id="#{{ category_name | slugize }}"></div>
<h3 class="category-head"><small>{{ category_name }}</small></h3>
<a name="{{ category_name | slugize }}"></a>
{% for post in site.categories[category_name] %}
<article class="archive-item">
<a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}{% if post.link %}<span class="link-arrow"> →</span>{% endif %}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
You can use jekyll sort filter
{% assign categories = site.categories | sort %}
{% for category in categories %}