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How to change context value in functional component?

I have a context named StatusContext like this:

export const statusCtxInit = {
    open: false,
    toggleOpen() { = !;

const StatusContext = React.createContext(statusCtxInit);
export default StatusContext

The whole app is wrapping with the provider:

// ...
<StatusContext.Provider value={statusCtxInit}>
// ...

To use the values of my context I use useContext in my FC and it works when I get the value.

function MyComp() {
    const status = useContext(StatusContext);
    return (
                ? `It's Open`
                : `It's Closed`}

            <button onClick={() => status.toggleOpen()}>

export default MyComp

On the other hand, I also want to change the context by calling the toggleOpen but, it does not work as I want. Actually the value changes but not effect the MyComp.

What I did wrong? What shall I do?


  • import React from 'react';
    const statusContext = React.createContext();
    const {Provider} = statusContext;
    // custom provider
    export const StatusProvider = ({children}) => {
      const [isOpen, setOpen] = React.useState(false)
      const toggle = () => setOpen(v => !v)
      return (
        <Provider value={{isOpen, toggle}}>
    //custom hook
    export const useStatus = () => React.useContext(StatusContext)
    function MyComp() {
      const status = useStatus()
      return (
            ? `It's Open`
            : `It's Closed`}
          <button onClick={() => status.toggle()}>
    export default MyComp