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set 4 PM by default in time selection for React DateTimePicker

I am working on React DateTimePicker where I need to set time to 4 PM but do not show that value in datetimepicker input field instead show only after datetimepicker icon click. How to set 4 PM by default in time selection for React DateTimePicker? I am able to set the time to current date to today date and time to 4 PM suppose as "14-Sep-2024 04:00 PM" but value is showing by default on the page load. Instead as per my requirement I have to show only on date selection.

My code is

import { DateTimePicker } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateTimePicker';
<DateTimePicker name={'myDatePickerValue'}
  onChange={(date) => {
  value={myDatePickerValue? dayjs(myDatePickerValue) : dayjs().hour(16).minute(0).second(0).millisecond(0) }
  format="DD-MMM-YYYY hh:mm A"

As per my requirement, I don't want to show the input value in the datetimepicker input because I need to show as "DD-MMM-YYYY hh:mm A" initially and I have to show the value only after user selects the value from datetimepicker icon. I only need to show current date and time as 4 PM after clicking on datepicker icon only. Any help in this?


  • After a lot of effort, I wrote below solution on my own:
      format="DD-MMM-YYYY hh:mm A"
          textField: {
          readOnly: true,
    const handleMyDatePickerChange = (date: any) => {
        const dateValue = getDateValue(date);
    const getDateValue = (date: any) => {
        if (date === null) return null;
        const selectedDate = dayjs(date.$d).date();
        const selectedMonth = dayjs(date.$d).month();
        const myDatePickerValue = myDatePicker ? dayjs(optionExpiryDate).date() : null;
        const myDatePickerMonthValue = myDatePicker ? dayjs(myDatePicker).month() : null;
        const todayDate = dayjs().date()
        const currentMonth = dayjs().month()
        const currentHours = dayjs().hour()
        if (date.isBefore(dayjs())) {
            return handlePastDate(date, selectedDate, myDatePickerValue, todayDate, currentHours);
        } else if (date.isAfter(dayjs())) {
            return handleFutureDate(date, selectedDate, selectedMonth, myDatePickerValue, myDatePickerMonthValue, todayDate, currentMonth);
        } else {
            return date;
    const handlePastDate = (date, selectedDate, myDatePickerValue, todayDate, currentHours) => {
        if (selectedDate === myDatePickerValue) {
            if (dayjs().hour() <= dayjs(date.$d).hour()) {
                return date;
            } else {
                return dayjs(new Date());
        } else {
            if ((myDatePickerValue === null || selectedDate === myDatePickerValue || selectedDate === todayDate) && currentHours <= 16) {
                return dayjs(date.$d).hour(16).minute(0).second(0).millisecond(0);
            } else {
                return dayjs(new Date());
    const handleFutureDate = (date, selectedDate, selectedMonth, myDatePickerValue, myDatePickerMonthValue, todayDate, currentMonth) => {
        if (selectedDate === myDatePickerValue) {
            return date;
        } else {
            if(selectedDate === todayDate || selectedDate > todayDate || selectedMonth > currentMonth || selectedMonth > myDatePickerMonthValue){
                return dayjs(date.$d).hour(16).minute(0).second(0).millisecond(0)
                return dayjs(new Date())