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How to fetch remote file only if file does not already exist in Ansible

In Ansible, I want to fetch a remote file, using the Fetch module, only if the file does not already exist at the destination. How could I do this? It doesn't seem like Fetch has an existing parameter to check for this.

My task:

- name: Fetch file from remote host
    dest: /path/filename.{{groups['host'][0]}}.pub
    src: /path/
    flat: yes
  delegate_to: "{{groups['host'][0]}}"

Thanks in advance!


  • Q: "Fetch module, only if the file does not already exist at the destination."

    A: The fetch module is idempotent and downloads only changed file. For example the first run of the playbook

    - hosts: test_01
        - fetch:
            dest: /tmp/fetched
            src: /etc/passwd
            flat: yes


    TASK [fetch] *********************************************************************************************************************************
    changed: [test_01]
    PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************************
    test_01                    : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0 

    Repeated run of the same playbook gives

    TASK [fetch] *********************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [test_01]
    PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************************
    test_01                    : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

    The source shows that the file will be fetched only if the remote and local checksums differ.