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tSQLt.XmlResultFormatter truncates results after 2033 chars

Trying to export my tSQLt test results to XML with tSQLt.XmlResultFormatter. But it seems to truncate the output after 2033 characters,


I want my output in xml so i can reference it in a Microsoft Devops CI deployment pipeline. I only have 14 tests at the moment which doesn't feel like a lot. If this is the limit of XmlResultFormatter, is there another way to get the results in an xml format?

Thanks for your time


  • You don't say what method you're using to execute the SQL commands in your question. There's probably a more streamlined way of doing this, but I solved this problem in Jenkins and then ported the solution to an Azure DevOps Command Line task with the following code, on a Windows build agent. EXEC tSQLt.RunAll ran in a previous step:

    ::export the test results to a file
    bcp "EXEC [tSQLt].[XmlResultFormatter];" queryout %WORKSPACE%\test_results.xml -S %DBSERVER% -d %DBNAME% -T -w
    ::remove the carriage returns (added by BCP every 2048 chars) from the xml file
    ::and write to a new file
    PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -Command "& {(gc %WORKSPACE%\test_results.xml -Raw).replace([Environment]::NewLine , '') | Set-Content %WORKSPACE%\output_test_results.xml}"

    Hopefully the comments explain what is going on.

    The Command Line task has the following environment variables defined:

    • DBSERVER - the database server name
    • DBNAME - the name of the database under test
    • WORKSPACE - $(build.sourcesDirectory) - this is a legacy of running the script in Jenkins and could be factored out

    The file output by the second command output_test_results.xml is passed to a Publish Test Results task later in the build.


    I looked into this and I think I understand what's happening. Although SSMS presents an XML result as a single column/row, the data is actually returned to the client as a sequence of shorter rows (<2048 characters).

    The default behaviour of Invoke-Sqlcmd is to return results as an array of DataRow objects - each item in the array contains between 2000 and 2048 characters. This array needs to be concatenated back together to generate the result set - here's one way of doing it in PowerShell:

    $out = ""; Invoke-SqlCmd  -ServerInstance <server> -Database <db name> -Query "exec tSQLt.XmlResultFormatter" -MaxCharLength 1000000 | %{ $out = $out + $_[0]}; $out > c:\temp\output.txt

    My original answer is also affected by this issue - hence the PowerShell command to remove carriage returns every 2048 characters.