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How to view test results in tSQLt?

We are using tSQLt for unit testing our database and executed below:

EXEC tSQLt.Run '[testComplianceDimensions].[test CountOfPropertiesWithLatestRepairJob]'
EXEC tSQLt.Run '[testComplianceDimensions].[test FactPropertyLatestRepairJobAgg]'

This is the output Message:

(1 row(s) affected)
[testComplianceDimensions].[test CountOfPropertiesWithLatestRepairJob] failed: (Failure) Fact_PropertyLatestRepairJobAgg failure - property counts do not match Expected: <324211> but was: <0>
|Test Execution Summary|
|No|Test Case Name                                                        |Dur(ms)|Result |
|1 |[testComplianceDimensions].[test CountOfPropertiesWithLatestRepairJob]|  16037|Failure|
Msg 50000, Level 16, State 10, Line 1
Test Case Summary: 1 test case(s) executed, 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 errored.

(1 row(s) affected)
|Test Execution Summary|
|No|Test Case Name                                                  |Dur(ms)|Result |
|1 |[testComplianceDimensions].[test FactPropertyLatestRepairJobAgg]|     14|Success|
Test Case Summary: 1 test case(s) executed, 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored.

Is there a table where all test results are saved?

Thanks for your help.


  • The table tSQLt.TestResult contains the result of the last execution of tSQLt.Run or tSQLt.RunAll

    The contents of the table are not preserved between executions of these procedures - in your example, the table would contain the results of the first test until the second test was executed. If you want to gather the results of more than one test, you need to execute the tests as part of the same command - in this case, possibly with EXEC tSQLt.Run '[testComplianceDimensions]' (which will run all the tests in the suite)