Let's say I have the following spreadsheet:
On the top left column, I have a formula that counts the events and sorts them according to the frequency. Anyway, what I want to do now is instead of just counting the frequencies of the actions, I want to count the number of unique actions. For example, in my spreadsheet, the action call came up 5 times: 2 times by Joe, 2 times by Mary, 1 times without a user (empty). Therefore, next to the call action on my left-hand table, I would want 2 because the number of unique pairs (event and user) is exactly 2.
So using the above logic, what I want my left side table to be is the following:
Call 2
Review 1
Hopefully, I have made myself clear.
How can I do this using my example spreadsheet? Thanks.
"select Col1,count(Col1)
where Col3 != ''
group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc
label count(Col1)'Count'", 1))