I'm trying to combine words and math together into a single cell in google sheets. The error I'm getting "Formula Parse Error"
Here's what I've got:
="Replace "&(D2/5)"Boltguns with Astartes Grenade Launchers ("&((D2/5)/2)"Frag and "&((D2/5)/2)"Krack)"
Cell D2's Value is 30
What I want the cell to read as:
Replace 6 Boltguns with Astartes Grenade Launchers (3 Frag and 3 Krak)
I've tried using Qoutient, Product, and Sum functions to no avail.
You need to ensure that the text and the calculations are properly concatenated. The text values and the calculations have to be handled separately and concatenated with &
="Replace " & (D2/5) & " Boltguns with Astartes Grenade Launchers (" & (D2/5)/2 & " Frag and " & (D2/5)/2 & " Krak)"
You could also improve on your formula to handle pluralization using an IF
="Replace " & (D2/5) & IF((D2/5)=1, " Boltgun", " Boltguns") & " with Astartes Grenade Launchers (" & (D2/5)/2 & IF((D2/5)/2=1, " Frag", " Frags") & " and " & (D2/5)/2 & IF((D2/5)/2=1, " Krak", " Kraks") & ")"