I have a table with 4 columns in a google spreadsheet [timestamp, item, amount, category] and would like to get all rows that belong to a specific month and a specific category and sum the amount column.
So far I have tried
=QUERY(Sheet1!A:D,"SELECT SUM(C) WHERE MONTH(A) = 1 AND D = 'some text' GROUP BY A",1)
Where B17 is a text that I want a comparison to be made.
In Google spreadsheets, try
=sumproduct(Sheet1!D2:D=B17,MONTH(Sheet1!A2:A)=1, Sheet1!C2:C)
and see if that works?
If you'd prefer query, you can try
=QUERY(Sheet1!A:D,"SELECT SUM(C) WHERE MONTH(A) = 0 AND D = '"&B17&"' label SUM(C) ''",1)
Note that MONTH() in query is zero-indexed: so January would be month 0.