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Why is my Rpc function called when I asked for my Cmd function?

Here is my problem, when I run this code as a client,

private IEnumerator Start()

        if (isServer)
            Debug.Log("je suis le serveur");
            Debug.Log("Je suis le client");

    public void CmdAllowTeleportations()
        Debug.Log("C'est passé par la fonction CmdAllowTeleportation");
        if (!isLocalPlayer) { Teleportation.GetComponent<Teleport>().enabled = false; Debug.Log("cmd : it hasn't the authority"); }
        else { Debug.Log("cmd : It has the authority"); }

    void RpcAllowTeleportation()

        Debug.Log("C'est passé par la fonction RpcAllowTeleportation");
        if (!hasAuthority) { Teleportation.GetComponent<Teleport>().enabled = false; Debug.Log("rpc : it hasn't the authority"); }
        else { Debug.Log("rpc : It has the authority"); }
    } ##

I have these logs :

Mes logs

My logs are not at all consistent with the code ! Could you help me please ?



  • Because Start is executed by the Server so it calls


    thus on all clients (so you) RpcAllowTeleportation is executed → you as client see the log of RpcAllowTeleportation.

    Vice versa you as client do never see the log from CmdAllowTeleportations since it is a [Command] which is only executed on the server → Only the server will see the log of CmdAllowTeleportations.