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fgets function behaves oddly

So I am writing a program that takes 4 inputs from the user: a username, a password, a phone number and an address; The program then uses sqlite3 database to insert this data into an existing table.

Here is the code:


void newregister()
char new_user[200];
char new_pass[200];
char new_phone[200];
char new_address[200];
printf("Enter your desired username: \n");
fgets(new_user, 200, stdin);
printf("Enter your desired password: \n");
fgets(new_pass, 200, stdin);
printf("Enter your phone number: \n");
fgets(new_phone, 200, stdin);
printf("Enter your address: \n");
fgets(new_address, 200, stdin);

printf("new user = %s \n", new_user);
printf("new pass = %s \n", new_pass);
printf("new phone = %s \n", new_phone);
printf("new address = %s \n", new_address);
sqlite3 *db;
sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
int rc = sqlite3_open("test.db", &db);
if(rc != SQLITE_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Problem opening Database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
char *sql = "INSERT INTO Users VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, 0);";
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &stmt, 0);
if (rc != SQLITE_OK) 
        fprintf(stderr, "Problem executing INSERT: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, new_user, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2, new_pass, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 3, new_phone, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 4, new_address, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);

int step = sqlite3_step(stmt);
int main()

return 0;

The problem that I'm facing is that it doesnt insert the lines properly even though the printf seems to work fine.

Here is how the table looks like:

User        Password    Phone       Address               Cart        Total_Price
----------  ----------  ----------  --------------------  ----------  -----------
user1       pass1       1234567890  Str user nr 1                       0          
user2       pass2       1234586970  Str user nr 2                       0          
user3       pass3       2138321321  Str user nr 3                       0          
user4       pass4       8908702131  Str user nr 4                       0          
user5       pass5       9082313123  Str user nr 5                       0          
user6       pass6       9083213123  Str user nr 6                       0          
user7       pass7       0932382383  Str user nr 7                       0          
user8       pass8       3829832323  Str user nr 8                       0          
 1234567890  strada broscautilor

If I used scanf then the entries would go normally up to the point where I have a space because scanf stops when it reaches whitespace. However I tried using scanf with different formatting that allows whitespace and I have the same problem as well as the fact that scanf with the same formatting 4 times stops taking input after the third time. Would like to know what I'm doing wrong.


  • The fgets function reads a line of text and writes it including the newline into the given character array.

    You'll need to strip out the newline before continuing with processing.

    fgets(new_user, 200, stdin);
    char *nl = strrchr(new_user, '\n');
    if (nl) *nl = 0;