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Why Resilience4j circuit breaker does not spin up new threads

I am trying to migrate from Hystrix to Resilience4j and tried the option of configuring resilience4j using annotations ( which is using resilience4j-spring-boot2 dependency.

When I test using this and analyse the logs, even the method which is decorated with @CircuitBreaker is running in the same http-nio thread:

logs with CircuitBreaker annotation:

2020-01-10 10:31:15,996 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] INFO APP=test-app | ENV=LOCAL | REQUEST_ID=1 | TRACE_ID=eb88d5c53ab97a40 | SPAN_ID=eb88d5c53ab97a40 | CLIENT_ID=1 | CLIENT_VERSION=1 | a.c.s.i.m.p.dependent.DependentApi - Request:

2020-01-10 10:31:15,997 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] DEBUG APP=test-app | ENV=LOCAL | REQUEST_ID=1 | TRACE_ID=eb88d5c53ab97a40 | SPAN_ID=eb88d5c53ab97a40 | CLIENT_ID=1 | CLIENT_VERSION=1 | a.c.s.i.myservice.aop.LogingAspect - Enter: with argument[s] = []

2020-01-10 10:31:15,999 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] DEBUG APP=test-app | ENV=LOCAL | REQUEST_ID=1 | TRACE_ID=eb88d5c53ab97a40 | SPAN_ID=eb88d5c53ab97a40 | CLIENT_ID=1 | CLIENT_VERSION=1 | a.c.s.i.myservice.aop.LoggingAspect - Exit: with result = org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate@1f3111d1

2020-01-10 10:31:16,065 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] ERROR APP=test-app | ENV=LOCAL | REQUEST_ID=1 | TRACE_ID=eb88d5c53ab97a40 | SPAN_ID=eb88d5c53ab97a40 | CLIENT_ID=1 | CLIENT_VERSION=1 | a.c.s.i.myservice.aop.LoggingAspect

On the contrary when I create a CircuitBreaker from CircuitBreakerFactory in that case I can see new circuit breaker threads spinning up when the control in inside the method protected by circuit breaker.

Logs with CircuitBreakerFactory:

2020-01-10 10:50:04,178 [hystrix-HystrixCircuitBreakerFactory-1] DEBUG APP=test-app | ENV=LOCAL | REQUEST_ID= | TRACE_ID=bde6e74d65833730 | SPAN_ID=d5dc68689645201a | CLIENT_ID= | CLIENT_VERSION= | a.c.s.i.myservice.aop.LoggingAspect - Enter: with argument[s] = []

2020-01-10 10:50:04,178 [hystrix-HystrixCircuitBreakerFactory-1] DEBUG APP=test-app | ENV=LOCAL | REQUEST_ID= | TRACE_ID=bde6e74d65833730 | SPAN_ID=d5dc68689645201a | CLIENT_ID= | CLIENT_VERSION= | a.c.s.i.myservice.aop.LoggingAspect - Exit: with result =$Address@1928e7f3

2020-01-10 10:50:04,179 [hystrix-HystrixCircuitBreakerFactory-1] DEBUG APP=test-app | ENV=LOCAL | REQUEST_ID= | TRACE_ID=bde6e74d65833730 | SPAN_ID=d5dc68689645201a | CLIENT_ID= | CLIENT_VERSION= | a.c.s.i.myservice.aop.LoggingAspect - Enter: with argument[s] = []

2020-01-10 10:50:04,179 [hystrix-HystrixCircuitBreakerFactory-1] DEBUG APP=test-app | ENV=LOCAL | REQUEST_ID= | TRACE_ID=bde6e74d65833730 | SPAN_ID=d5dc68689645201a | CLIENT_ID= | CLIENT_VERSION= | a.c.s.i.myservice.aop.LoggingAspect - Exit: with result =$Address@1928e7f3

2020-01-10 10:50:04,184 [hystrix-HystrixCircuitBreakerFactory-1] INFO APP=test-app | ENV=LOCAL | REQUEST_ID= | TRACE_ID=bde6e74d65833730 | SPAN_ID=d5dc68689645201a | CLIENT_ID= | CLIENT_VERSION= | a.c.s.i.m.p.dependent.DependentApi - Request:

2020-01-10 10:50:04,186 [hystrix-HystrixCircuitBreakerFactory-1] DEBUG APP=test-app | ENV=LOCAL | REQUEST_ID= | TRACE_ID=bde6e74d65833730 | SPAN_ID=d5dc68689645201a | CLIENT_ID= | CLIENT_VERSION= | a.c.s.i.myservice.aop.LoggingAspect - Enter: with argument[s] = []


  • The Resilience4j Spring Boot Starter und Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker are two different/seperate projects.

    Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker runs methods in a seperate thread pool. See ->

    In Resilience4j and the Spring Boot Starter the CircuitBreaker and Threadpool-based Bulkhead are two different resilience patterns which you might want to combine or not. If you want to combine them, you have to apply two Annnotations to your method -> @CircuitBreaker and @Bulkhead(type = Type.THREADPOOL).

    Have a look at the demo ->