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How to get and set authorization token for calls when Circuit Breaker is enabled?

When I turn Circuit Breaker on I'm getting authentication problems from my services, because authorization token is not present in headers of request.

I found in the web that Circuit Breaker runs on secondary thread, that doesn't has spring security context.

For hystrix, the solution I found is to use shareSecurityContext=true config option, and implement a request interceptor that get the token and set for request.

But, for resilience4j, I not found a solution.

Thanks for help.


  • Resilience4j circuit breaker itself does not spawn a new thread. But when used with Bulkhead, then code runs within a new thread. i am assuming you are using Bulkhead with you CB. in that case you can use ContextPropogator

    For e.g.

    public class SpringSecurityContextPropagator implements ContextPropagator<SecurityContext> {
        public Supplier<Optional<SecurityContext>> retrieve() {
            return () -> Optional.of(SecurityContextHolder.getContext());
        public Consumer<Optional<SecurityContext>> copy() {
            return (context) -> context.ifPresent(SecurityContextHolder::setContext);
        public Consumer<Optional<SecurityContext>> clear() {
            return (context) -> SecurityContextHolder.clearContext();

    then configure this in bulkhead config

          maxThreadPoolSize: 10
          coreThreadPoolSize: 10
          queueCapacity: 15
            - com.cobalt.cdservice.resilience4j.SpringSecurityContextPropagator