I'm relatively new to Spring-Boot + resilience4j and I'm trying to create a Retry object using the config in my .yml file. Currently I'm trying to decorate a Mono with very similar syntax to what is given in the docs:
Retry retry = Retry.of("backendName", sampleRetryConfig);
In the above code snippet I'm explicitly declaring the sampleRetryConfig in the code and using that to create my Retry, but is there a way for me to create the Retry object using the RetryConfig pulled from my .yml file?
maxAttempts: 3
waitDuration: 2s
enableExponentialBackoff: true
- example.exceptions
Support seems to be there for using the @Retry annotation, but I haven't found anything about support for what I'm trying to do.
Late answer but here's what I ended up doing. Using the RetryRegistry and declaring the Retry objects as beans I was able to make it work. Here's the contents of the .yml
maxAttempts: 1
waitDuration: 1s
And the class where the retry beans were created:
private final RetryRegistry retryRegistry;
public Retry apiPathRetry() {
return retryRegistry.retry("api-path");
Then finally, using the objects in a class.
return Mono.fromSupplier(() -> method)
.flatMap(genericData-> {business logic})