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MRTK2 detecting air taps with out a collider

We are trying to write a global handler for click/airtaps using MRTK2.

We are using BaseInputHandler, IMixedRealityPointerHandler, IMixedRealityInputHandler which works fine when clicking on an asset with a collider - but how do we pick up taps when there is no collision e.g. just clicking in the air? Thanks


  • You have to use IMixedRealityInputHandlerand as a result of this OnInputUp and OnInputDown. This should work also witout any colliders. I'm using this to differentiate between spatial mesh and everything else. Clicking into empty space also triggers OnInputUp and Down.

    if (_gazeProvider.GazeTarget?.layer == 31){ ... }
        Debug.Log("Hit surface with layer: " + _gazeProvider.GazeTarget?.layer.ToString());