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Creating a Handle for Manipulation (Unity/MRTK)


I develop an application for Hololens 2 in Unity (+MRTK). I want to move/manipulate Gameobjects so i used the ObjectManipulator, BoundsControl and NearInteractionGrabbable Scripts from MRTK plus a Box Collider on the parent.

The hierarchy looked something like this:

  • Container
    • Element 1
    • Element 2

With that i could grab the whole container and move everything. Now i want to be able to select the individual elements inside the container - but the BoxCollider of the parent blocks/disturbs selecting the inner colliders of the elements.

Thats why i now try to use a handle/proxy object (Cube) which applies the interactions to the whole Conainer. The hierarchy can be seen in the next image (just imagine additional elements besides the Handle): Hierarchy

Here i have inside the container (AnchoredContainer) now a handle which is a Cube gameobject (HandleObject) with the respective scripts. The scripts are linked to the AnchoredContainer so that moving the cube moves everything (including the cube itself).


The Problem is now that i seems to be a little bit buggy. I can move/resize the container but it is really hard to grab/select the Rotation Handles and Scale Handles of the BoundsControl. In the next image you can see the flickering when trying to select something on the cube. Also when i resize the cube i loose the resize action as soon as the cube gets slightly smaller.


What hierarchy do I need or what can I change in the code to use a proxy for the interaction?


  • Solution

    As Zuocheng Wang - MSFT pointed out the Solution is to set Activation in BoundsControl to Activate On Start. With this setting, the flicker disappears during focusing and also during movement!