I am working on a project which shows navigation from one point to another in Hololens. I am trying to create this application via MRTK2.
I have created a navigator Arrow and I want it to follow the user Head only on Z- Axis. It should Restrict any movement on the X and Y axis.
For this, I have attached Follow Solver to Object and have Added tracked Target type to Head.
Also, I have attached Move Axis COnstraint Script to restrict movement on the X and Y axis.
But When I play scenes, Object position and rotation values are changed. Something like below.
It works from the script when I calculate the camera position and Update the arrow position.
straightarrow.transform.position = new Vector3(straightarrowpos.x, straightarrowpos.y, camposition.z + 2.623f);
Is there any way this can be handled via Solvers instead of updating the position via script?
Mayank Pande
The constraints and Constraint manager provided by MRTK are currently only applicable to Bounds control and Object manipulator, please refer to Constraint manager - MRTK 2 | Microsoft Learn. Existing solvers cannot meet your needs, but you can create a new solver, please refer to Solver overview - MRTK 2 | Microsoft Learn.