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Is there any way to create more clarity in my JavaFX code?

I'm in the first year of my computer science study, and I just got my first project in which I have to create an application that can perform CRUD operations on an SQL database. This application needs to have a GUI, for which we are required to use JavaFX.

Currently I'm very unsure about the way I am handling button clicks. For instance, the main screen has three buttons (Accounts, Profiles, Watched), each of which will create a new Scene with three more buttons (Create, Edit, Delete). This results in a lot of lambda expressions nested in each other, which makes the code very messy to look at. Below you will see a part of my code:

public class GUI extends Application {

    Database db = new Database();

    public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
        // Three buttons and a Label for the first scene.
        Button buttonAccounts = new Button("Accounts");
        Button buttonProfiles = new Button("Profiles");
        Button buttonWatched = new Button("Watched");
        Label pickAnOption = new Label("Pick an option:");

        // Two HBoxes, first one for the Label, the other one for the three Buttons.
        // Both HBoxes are aligned in the center.
        HBox options = new HBox(12);
        options.getChildren().addAll(buttonAccounts, buttonProfiles, buttonWatched);
        HBox text = new HBox();

        // The HBoxes are placed in a BorderPane.
        // HBox "text" has a top margin of 20 and HBox "options" has a bottom margin of 20.
        // This way, the BorderPane will be nicely aligned in the middle of the scene.
        BorderPane pane = new BorderPane();
        pane.setMargin(text, new Insets(20, 0, 0 , 0));
        pane.setMargin(options, new Insets(0, 0, 20, 0));

        Scene selectionScreen = new Scene(pane, 500, 100);

        stage.setTitle("Netflix Statistix door S. Jaspers, I. Moerenhout en Z. Usmaeva");

        // EventHandler for the Accounts Button.
        buttonAccounts.setOnAction(e -> {
            Button buttonCreateAccount = new Button("Create");
            Button buttonEditAccount = new Button("Edit");
            Button buttonDeleteAccount = new Button("Delete");
            Button back = new Button("Back");
            Label createEditOrDelete = new Label("Create a new account, or edit/delete an existing account:");

            back.setOnAction(e1 -> stage.setScene(selectionScreen));

            HBox text1 = new HBox();
            HBox options1 = new HBox(12);
            options1.getChildren().addAll(buttonCreateAccount, buttonEditAccount, buttonDeleteAccount);
            HBox text2 = new HBox();

            BorderPane pane1 = new BorderPane();
            pane1.setMargin(text1, new Insets(15, 0, 0, 0));
            pane1.setMargin(options1, new Insets(0, 0, 15, 0));

            Scene accounts = new Scene(pane1, 500, 100);

            // EventHandler for the Create Account button.
            buttonCreateAccount.setOnAction(e1 -> {
                GridPane grid = new GridPane();
                grid.setPadding(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10));

                Button buttonSave = new Button("Save");
                Button buttonCancel = new Button("Cancel");

                buttonCancel.setOnAction(e3 -> {

                Label accountName = new Label("Name:");
                Label accountAddress = new Label("Address:");
                Label accountCity = new Label("City:");

                TextField accountNameInput = new TextField();
                TextField accountAddressInput = new TextField();
                TextField accountCityInput = new TextField();

                grid.add(accountName, 0, 0);
                grid.add(accountNameInput, 1, 0);
                grid.add(accountAddress, 0, 1);
                grid.add(accountAddressInput, 1, 1);
                grid.add(accountCity, 0, 2);
                grid.add(accountCityInput, 1, 2);
                grid.add(buttonSave, 2, 3);
                grid.add(buttonCancel, 3, 3);

                Scene accountCreation = new Scene(grid);

                buttonSave.setOnAction(e2 -> {
                    boolean succeeded = db.createAccount(accountNameInput.getText(), accountAddressInput.getText(), accountCityInput.getText());
                    if (succeeded) {
                        new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION, "Account successfully created.").show();
                    } else {
                        new Alert(Alert.AlertType.WARNING, "Failed to create account.").show();

I'm still fairly new to JavaFX, and I was wondering if there is any way to make this code clearer. Any advice is much appreciated.


  • I'd love to post this as a comment, but I can't. Have you checked out FXML? It allows you to set properties in a very clean and simple way. If you want autocompletion and inspections then I recommend IntelliJ IDEA. Here's a nice article which explains the benefits of FXML: