Search code examples

In Google Sheets, how can one aggregate values (MAX, MIN, AVERAGE) based on the result of splitting a string in a different column?

If I had a table with the following values, how can I generate the following table? The result table separates out each tag and calculates the number of rows with the tag mentioned (COUNT) and also the max value for a given tag.

    | VAL | TAGS        |
    |  4  | html, css   | 
    |  2  | js, ts      |
    |  3  | js, css     |
    | TAG  | COUNT |  MAX  |
    | html |   1   |   4   |
    | css  |   2   |   4   |
    | js   |   2   |   3   |
    | ts   |   1   |   2   |


  • try:

     IF(IFERROR(SPLIT(B3:B, ","))<>"", "♀"&A3:A&"♦"&SPLIT(
     SUBSTITUTE(B3:B, ", ", ","), ",")&"♦", )),,999^99)),,999^99), "♀")), "♦"), 
     "select Col2,count(Col1),avg(Col1),max(Col1),min(Col1) 
      group by Col2
      label Col2'tags'"))

