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DomainService not registered in AppService

I am trying to incorporate DomainService into my application, and tried to do it like the code below shows. Here is the sample code for the manager:

namespace FlexSped.DefaultColors
    public class DefaultColorManager : FlexSpedDomainServiceBase, IDefaultColorsManager
        private readonly IRepository<DefaultColor> _defaultColorRepository;

        public DefaultColorManager(IRepository<DefaultColor> defColorRep)
            _defaultColorRepository = defColorRep;

        public async Task Create(DefaultColor input)
            await _defaultColorRepository.InsertAsync(input);

        public Task Update(int id)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

And this is the application service:

namespace FlexSped.DefaultColors
    public class DefaultColorsAppService : FlexSpedAppServiceBase, IDefaultColorsAppService
        private readonly IDefaultColorsManager _defaultColorManager;
        private readonly IRepository<DefaultColor> _defaultColorRepository;
        //private readonly IIocResolver _iocResolver;

        public DefaultColorsAppService(IRepository<DefaultColor> defaultColorRepository, IDefaultColorsManager defColManager)
            _defaultColorRepository = defaultColorRepository;
            _defaultColorManager = defColManager;
            //_iocResolver = iocResolver;

        public async Task CreateOrEdit(CreateOrEditDefaultColorDto input)
            if (input.Id == null)
                await Create(input);
                await Update(input);

        private async Task Create(CreateOrEditDefaultColorDto input)
            DefaultColor dt = ObjectMapper.Map<DefaultColor>(input);
            await _defaultColorManager.Create(dt);

All this produces this error:

'FlexSped.DefaultColors.DefaultColorsAppService' is waiting for the following dependencies:
- Service 'FlexSped.DefaultColors.IDefaultColorsManager' which was not registered.

Not sure what the problem is.I was following convention here.


  • ABPboiler is registering the services dependencies by name so your should match the implementation with definition. In your case:

    IDefaultColors.IDefaultColorsManager should be IDefaultColors.IDefaultColorManager or vice versa DefaultColorManager should be DefaultColorsManager.