I am trying to incorporate DomainService into my application, and tried to do it like the code below shows. Here is the sample code for the manager:
namespace FlexSped.DefaultColors
public class DefaultColorManager : FlexSpedDomainServiceBase, IDefaultColorsManager
private readonly IRepository<DefaultColor> _defaultColorRepository;
public DefaultColorManager(IRepository<DefaultColor> defColorRep)
_defaultColorRepository = defColorRep;
public async Task Create(DefaultColor input)
await _defaultColorRepository.InsertAsync(input);
public Task Update(int id)
throw new NotImplementedException();
And this is the application service:
namespace FlexSped.DefaultColors
public class DefaultColorsAppService : FlexSpedAppServiceBase, IDefaultColorsAppService
private readonly IDefaultColorsManager _defaultColorManager;
private readonly IRepository<DefaultColor> _defaultColorRepository;
//private readonly IIocResolver _iocResolver;
public DefaultColorsAppService(IRepository<DefaultColor> defaultColorRepository, IDefaultColorsManager defColManager)
_defaultColorRepository = defaultColorRepository;
_defaultColorManager = defColManager;
//_iocResolver = iocResolver;
public async Task CreateOrEdit(CreateOrEditDefaultColorDto input)
if (input.Id == null)
await Create(input);
await Update(input);
private async Task Create(CreateOrEditDefaultColorDto input)
DefaultColor dt = ObjectMapper.Map<DefaultColor>(input);
await _defaultColorManager.Create(dt);
All this produces this error:
'FlexSped.DefaultColors.DefaultColorsAppService' is waiting for the following dependencies:
- Service 'FlexSped.DefaultColors.IDefaultColorsManager' which was not registered.
Not sure what the problem is.I was following convention here.
ABPboiler is registering the services dependencies by name so your should match the implementation with definition. In your case:
IDefaultColors.IDefaultColorsManager should be IDefaultColors.IDefaultColorManager or vice versa DefaultColorManager should be DefaultColorsManager.