I'm using aspnetboilerplate solution developed with ASP.NET core 2.2 . The backend is deployed on azure and it uses the SQL server provided.
Sometimes, when the backend has a lot of requests to handle, it logs this exception:
ERROR 2020-11-20 12:28:21,968 [85 ] Mvc.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionFilter - Reading the request body timed out due to data arriving too slowly. See MinRequestBodyDataRate. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.BadHttpRequestException: Reading the request body timed out due to data arriving too slowly. See MinRequestBodyDataRate.
I tried to solve this problem adding this code to my Program.cs
namespace WorkFlowManager.Web.Host.Startup
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var host = new WebHostBuilder()
.UseKestrel(options =>
options.Limits.MinResponseDataRate = null;
public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args)
return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
But the problem is not solved.
The exception you have shared indicates that application has a problem while "reading" the request.
Reading the request body timed out due to data arriving too slowly. See MinRequestBodyDataRate.
But you are trying to set MinResponseDataRate
Please consider to update MinRequestBodyDataRate
And instead of setting value to null
, please examine the documentation and try to set meaningful values for request.
Default values are:
The default minimum rate is 240 bytes/second with a 5 second grace period.
And you can change like this:
.UseKestrel(options =>
options.Limits.MinRequestBodyDataRate =
new MinDataRate(bytesPerSecond: 100, gracePeriod: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));