I am using asp.net boilerplate template for my project.
Looks like it preferred to use data annotation instead of fluent API.
I like to use Fluent API since it's very clean.
But when I tried to use fluent API for my entity it worked fine, but as soon as I started using an entity from abp framework like Auditable
entity, I was not able to add migration as it was asking me to configure a relationship for CreatorUser
, which is defined in Auditable
entity and mapped using data annotation.
I was still able to configure CreatorUser
, but that ended up in dropping FK for CreatorUser
from another table and re-creating it.
This is how my entity is configured. let me know if anyone is able to use fluent API in aspnetboiler plate.
public class ItemGroup : FullAuditedEntity<int,AbpUser<User>>
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public int? ParentItemGroupId { get; set; }
public virtual ItemGroup ParentItemGroup { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<ItemGroup> ItemGroups { get; set; }
//public virtual AbpUser<User> CreatorUser { get; set; }
//To-Do : Need to add parent itemgroup id, but self referencing is not supported in abpframework/EFCore, need to solve this and add it later.
public class ItemGroupEntityConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<ItemGroup>
public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<ItemGroup> builder)
builder.HasOne(x => x.ParentItemGroup).WithMany(x => x.ItemGroups).HasForeignKey(b => b.ParentItemGroupId);
builder.HasOne(x => x.CreatorUser).WithMany().HasForeignKey(i => i.CreatorUserId);
Finally I found solution. It was very silly error I made. I was not calling base.OnModelCreating so it was not able to configure relationship. after this I was able to run migration.
Also like jonas mentioned above, I passed User instead of AbpUser. Infact I don't need to pass User as well , since I don't need User navigation properties so its find without user.