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How might I share a message URL that renders a preview the same way Slack does?

I'd like to include Slack message URLs in a post message (using blocks, if at all possible) in such a way that it's rendered the same way Slack would render the message URL; "Posted in #channel | Dec 11th | View message", etc.

I've tried using the Block Builder Kit to test this out. Slack will render this URL as plain text (which I guess is obvious), but verbatim: false isn't an option for plain_text. My options seem limited and I'm wondering if maybe I'm overlooking an alternative way to do this?

    "blocks": [
            "type": "section",
            "text": {
                "type": "plain_text",
                "text": ""

Example of what I mean showing Block Builder vs. URL paste:

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


  • What you need then is to avoid using blocks since text based links don't unfurl automatically. You need to pass the "unfurl_links": true in the chat.postMessage so if you are using Python's slackclient as in my case it would be as follows

    response = client.chat_postMessage(
      unfurl_links = True,
    assert response["ok"]

    You can also dictate to slack how to behave when it encounters links in messages find more details here