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Slack Workflow Builder url formatting

I'm trying to format a message using Slack Workflow Builder, but it doesn't work.

I prepare a text as single variable and pass it to Slack webhook. In Slack Workflow Builder I receive it and send a message just placing that single variable content into text message. A message looks good, but cannot succeed to format a link in a message.

I tried the following formats: [Link]( and <|Link>. These two outputs wrong as is with all brackets without formatting. But when I send the first variant [Link]( into Slackbot it works as expected - it shows just clickable Link.

What am I doing wrong? Does Slack support url formatting in Slack Workflow Builder? How can I do it in there?

Upd: I also tried moving a link or its part into a separate variable and I've noticed, that placing a variable into a link (into round brackets) immediately breaks it in Preview area: enter image description here


  • I have an official answer from Slack that constructing urls using variables is not yet supported in Slack Workflow Builder.