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Slack files.completeUploadExternal no uploading files to the Slack

Since the slack file.upload is going to be depreciated, I was going to make new the methods work.

The first one works as:

curl -s -F [email protected] -F filename=test.txt -F token=xoxp-token -F length=50123

and returns


The second request is:

curl -X POST \  -H "Authorization: Bearer xoxp-token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
        "files": [{"id":"F07XXXXXX", "title":"Slack API updates Testing"}],
        "channel_id": "C06EXXXXX"
      }' \

With the second request, I get 200 OK responses.

{"ok":true,"files":[{"id":"XXXXXXX","created":XXXXXXXX,"timestamp":XXXXXXXX,"name":"test.txt","title":"Slack API updates Testing","mimetype":"","filetype":"","pretty_type":"","user":"XXXXXXXXX","user_team":"XXXXXXXXX","editable":false,"size":50123,"mode":"hosted","is_external":false,"external_type":"","is_public":false,"public_url_shared":false,"display_as_bot":false,"username":"","url_private":"https:\/\/\/files-pri\/XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX\/test.txt","url_private_download":"https:\/\/\/files-pri\/XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX\/download\/test.txt","media_display_type":"unknown","permalink":"https:\/\/\/files\/XXXXXXXXX\/XXXXXXX\/test.txt","permalink_public":"https:\/\/\/XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX","comments_count":0,"is_starred":false,"shares":{},"channels":[],"groups":[],"ims":[],"has_more_shares":false,"has_rich_preview":false,"file_access":"visible"}],"warning":"missing_charset","response_metadata":{"warnings":["missing_charset"]}}

Questions and problems: 1- How do I determine the length= in the first request (files.getUploadURLExternal ) 2- Even though I have provided the channel_id the file is still not getting uploaded on the Slack channel.



  • You skipped a step. You have to send a POST to the URL that is returned to you on the first step. In that post you are also doing the file upload.

    2nd step should be: curl -F filename="@$filename" -H "Authorization: Bearer $SLACK_KEY" -v POST $upload_url

    then your 2nd step should be the 3rd step.

    As far as getting the byte size stat --printf="%s" file if you are using bash