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How would you use psutil to kill idle processes that exceed over a duration amount of time?

I'm trying to use psutil to kill a specific process when it's not in use / hasn't been interacted/touched with for a long time, here's what I have currently:

import psutil

for proc in psutil.process_iter():
    if 'Application.exe' in

This code only kills the process if it finds it by the name - how would I use psutil to kill idle processes that have exceeded a certain duration?


  • you can use create_time() to get the process creation time.

    Your code should look like:

    import psutil
    import time
    for proc in psutil.process_iter():
        if 'Application.exe' in
            proc_duration = (time.time() - proc.create_time()) % 60
            if proc_duration > 25.0:

    You can also get CPU Usage and other process data using psutil. Hope it helps!